CS 6006: Succeeding in the Graduate Environment

Resources you may find useful all semester Compiled by Jacqueline Maasch and Anshuman Mohan


In Ithaca


Working Environment

IT Support

When you need IT support, contact the College of Engineering's ITSG and not the University-wide IT Support Desk. Do so by filing a ticket here. This applies to both campuses.

Facilities Support

When you need non-technical facilities support around campus, file a ticket with Facilities.

The hidden curriculum

Internal resources

Cornell Tech's Mor Naaman has drafted an excellent "PhD Syllabus" for students working in his group. Your mileage may vary, but this syllabus provides great insights into the PhD process.

External resources

Check out the extensive reading recommendations provided by PhD professionalization seminars at other computer science departments. These resources span a range of topics, including the advisor-advisee relationship; imposter syndrome; academic speaking, writing, and reading skills; and time management during the PhD.

Keeping up with the field


Along with area-specific newsletters compiled for the various research niches in CS, these general resources can help you keep pace with research news.

There are too many curated newsletters available to list here, but we recommend searching out the ones that are most relevant for your needs.


Quantifying the impact of conferences, journals, and institutions is a fraught endeavor, but sometimes metrics can be a useful starting point when you are new to a field.

Creating a personal website

Using the connection between Ithaca and Cornell Tech